Conference Review Process

Conference overview We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the upcoming International Conference on Smart Systems for Integrated Computing and Communication. This interdisciplinary conference aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts from around the world to explore the latest advancements, trends, and challenges in the field of smart systems integration. The review is a process in which a Research paper is evaluated by a group of experts in the same field to make sure it meets the
necessary standards for acceptance for conference Publication.
The ICSSICC 24 Conference Technical Program Chair will appoint a Technical Program Committee.
1.The Technical Program Committee collaborates to review and discuss submitted papers.
2.Review occurs during a fixed window of time. All authors are notified of the decision on their paper at the same time
3.The Technical Program Chair is ultimately responsible for the selection of all submitted papers either accepted or rejected paper.
During the review process, reviewers look for the following.
Scope: Is the paper appropriate for the scope of this conference?
Novelty:Is this original research material distinct from previous publications?
Validity: Is the research work well designed and executed?
Data: Are the data reported, analysed, and interpreted correctly?
Clarity: Are the ideas expressed clearly, concisely, and logically?
Compliance: Are all ethical and publication requirements met?
Advancement: Is this a significant contribution to their proposed field?

All authors are notified of the review decision on their paper at the same time.
You may receive one of three possible decisions.
Accept:Your paper will be published without edits. You may be asked to upload final camera-ready files or to sign a copyright
form and fill the Registration form.
Accept with revision:: Your paper will be accepted after you implement minor/ major edits suggested by the reviewers.
You will be asked to provide a revised version.
You may be also asked to upload final camera-ready files or to sign a copyright form and fill the Registration form if revised.
Reject:Your paper will not be presented at the conference or published in the conference proceedings.